Saturday 7 September 2013

Warning : Fake Grand Theft Auto V torrent spreading malware

Excitement continues .. Rockstar Games schedule the release of latest The Grand Theft Auto series, GTA 5 on September 17, but Cyber Criminals has already released a fake version of GTA 5 contains malware on torrent networks.

FBI Cyber Division put 'Syrian Electronic Army' Hackers in wanted list

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a pro-regime hacker group that emerged during Syrian anti-government protests in 2011, and involved in cyber attacks against western media organizations are now in the FBI's wanted list.

Major VBulletin based websites are vulnerable to Hackers; Pakistani forums defaced by Indian Hackers

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Code Repository 'Github' offers Two-Factor Authentication to 3.5 million users

Code repository GitHub offers two-factor authentication to beef up security around its users’ accounts. Github is a coding repository where developers used to build their projects projects that may turn out to be valued knowledgeable assets.
Two-Factor Authentication adds another layer of authentication to the login process, Now users have to enter their username and password, and a secret code in the second step, to complete the sign in. If a hacker manages to steal a user's credentials through phishing or trojans, cannot do anything, as they do need a second key to enter.

Hacking Facebook to delete any account; Facebook again refuses to pay Bounty

In the past few days, Facebook refused to pay bounty to Khalil Shreateh, the security researcher who used the bug he discovered to post directly on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Timeline after Facebook Security rejected his attempts to report it.

J.A.R.V.I.S : Artificial Intelligence Assistant Operating System for Hackers

A group of Indian Hackers has designed Artificial Intelligence Assistant Operating System called 'J.A.R.V.I.S' , who recognizes them, answer questions, tweet for them and Collect information, scan targets for them.

Vulnerability allowed hacker to Delete any Facebook Photo; Rewarded with $12,500 for reporting bug

Indian Security Enthusiast 'Arul Kumar' recently reported an interesting Facebook vulnerability that allowed him to delete any Facebook image within a minute.

NSA misused PRISM - Spied on Al Jazeera, bugged UN headquarters and used for personal spying

Before NSA said that they has zero tolerance for willful violations of the agency’s authorities, but NSA had violated privacy rules on thousands of occasions.

Anonymity Tool Tor gains more than 1.2 Million new users since NSA PRISM scandal

Since Snowden came forward with details about the NSA's PRISM program in June, web users concerned about online privacy are increasingly turning toward privacy tools to protect their online data.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Hacker reported vulnerability in Kaspersky website; Demonstrated malware spreading technique

The cyber Security Analyst  'Ebrahim Hegazy' (@Zigoo0) Consultant at Q-CERT has found an "Unvalidated Redirection Vulnerability" in the website of the giant security solutions vendor "Kaspersky".

Ebrahim, who found a SQL Injection in "Avira" website last month, this time he found a Unvalidated Redirection Vulnerability that could be exploited for various purposes such as:

Warning : Java 6 vulnerable to zero-day exploit; added to Neutrino exploit kit

Hackers are using a new exploit for a bug in the out-of-date but popular Java 6 platform to attack victims, and has been added to a commercially available Neutrino exploit kit.

Apple's new technology will allow government to control your iPhone remotely

Recently, The Social Media is buzzing over reports that Apple has invented a new technology that now can Switch off iPhone Camera and Wi-Fi, when entering a 'sensitive area'. Technology would broadcast a signal to automatically shut down Smartphone features, or even the entire phone.
Yes ! It's true, On June 2008 - Apple filed a patent (U.S. Patent No. 8,254,902) - titles “Apparatus and methods for enforcement of policies upon a wireless device” that defines the ability of U.S. Government to remotely disable certain functions of a device without user consent.

Cisco has fixed a critical vulnerability in Secure Access Control Server for Windows that could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands and take control of the underlying operating system.
Cisco Secure ACS is an application that allows companies to centrally manage access to network resources for various types of devices and users. 

Apple Mac OS X Vulnerability enables root user to HACKERS by resetting the clock

Do you think, because you’re using an Apple Mac, your data is safe from hackers ? Well, it is not true, there are dozens of security weaknesses and today Researchers have made it easier to exploit Apple Mac OS X, that allows penetration testers and hackers to gain root access.

Fear of NSA PRISM : Indian Government may ban US email Services for official communication

The Indian Government is planning to ban the use of US based email services like Gmail for official communications to increase the security of confidential government information.
The recent disconcerting reports that that India was being spied upon by American intelligence agencies has opened an all new chapter in the cyber security space. As leaked by former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, that NSA involved in widespread spying and surveillance activities across the globe.

Monday 2 September 2013


Sometime its annoying when youtube ask you to sign in for your age verification to watch 18+ videos. So i will make it easy for you by showing you a simple youtube trick to watch adult or 18+ youtube videos without signing In. This trick is 100% working as of 2013. So lets get started.

How To Watch 18+ Youtube Videos Without Logging In ?

1. First get the Url of video you want to watch. As shown below. 
2. Then copy the Video Id. For above link video Id is 4Xkh6j7RMqk
3. Now paste the Video Id in the link given below.
  • Replace VideoId with the Id you copied in Step 2
4. Now the url will become as shown below.
5. Done.