Saturday 30 November 2013

How to restore DLL files on your computer

DLL or Dynamic Link Library files are very important part of programs and applications. So important are these files that the programs and applications will not run without them. Quite frequently it so happens that the Windows users encounter problems because of these DLL files. Although quite annoying, DLL repair is quite easy as long as you know how to do it.
Some of the most frequently occurring DLL file errors are run.dll, shell32.dll, system32.dllwmp.dll, kernell32.dll, rundll32.dll, xvid.dll, iframe.dll, kernel.dll and many more. These DLL files are mostly removed unintentionally. This generally happens while uninstalling a program; it may also so happen that there might be an occurrence of error because of any virus infecting the computer system. One need not worry when such a thing occurs as there are many ways in which this error can be repaired.

The problems and solutions

how to use your keyboard as a mouse

Hey Friends Today we will see how to Use A keyboard as Mouse, Yes you read it right, also i am not joking.
Its a very cool trick which everyone will love to try for sure and it is very simple as well.
in a situation where your mouse is spoilt, not available or maybe you want to simply impress your friends, you can use your keyboard as a is a very simple method and you can access your keyboard like a mouse.
To do this just press
Alt+Left shift key+num lock

How to navigate everything with your keyboard?

The keyboard is one of the most important components of your desktop or laptop. Even if your mouse is not working, you can still operate the computer and accomplish all the tasks through the keyboard shortcuts. Also, the keyboard shortcuts help in improving your productivity as more amount of work can be done in less time. So if you are familiar with the keyboard functions, it will be very easy to perform the work even without the mouse or when it’s not working.

Let us explore more about the keyboard functions.
How to open a desktop program?
To open or run any program on the desktop, you can perform the following steps.
Step 1 – Press the Tab key to control the desktop icons
Step 2 – The Tab key will help you to select the desktop icons, anything from the taskbar and Start button
Step 3 – Once you are on the desktop, you can also use the arrow keys to move from one icon to another.
Step4 – Press Enter key when the icon is highlighted to Run the selected program.
Step 5- Sometimes the Tab key has to be pressed several times to navigate through desktop programs

How to root and install custom ROMs in android phones?

The trend of installing custom ROM’s and apps has brought a big revolution with many users trying to root their mobile devices to accomplish it. Rooting is a very sensitive task which should be done properly or else the device may lose its initial configuration and may result in malfunction of your gadgets. If you are fond of custom apps and ROM’s and what to integrate the same in your Android devices, you will have to first root your devices and then install the custom ROM’s.

Here is the step by step process to root and install the custom ROM’s in your Android phones.
Rooting your Android phones
Though every device has its own rooting process, but here we will discuss the general procedure to root the handsets which will work for all types of models.
Step 1 – In order to get started with rooting, dial *#*#2846579#*#* and you will be directed to the internal application which is used by the manufacturer. Here you can find out the different hardware’s installed on your device and can access the internal statistics as well.
Step 2 – Now look for Background Settings and then go to Log Settings
Step 3 – From the Log Settings menu, search Log Switch and enable it
Step 4 – Go to Settings and enable the USB debugging option as well
Step 5 –Install SuperClickOne app on your device and connect it to your desktop
Step 6 – Now extract the files from the zipped folder and run the exe file
Step 7 – On the top right corner, you will get find the option Root. Follow the steps and complete the rooting process
Step 8 – Restart your phone to confirm the changes

How to Remove Windows 7 Genuine notification

Not able to remove genuine Windows 7 successfully from your computer or laptop? Well then your problem is solved. The following few steps are quite easy and they will help you to very conveniently remove genuine Windows 7 from your PC. Many versions of Windows 8 are already in the market then why stay stuck with Windows 7. Even if you want to load some older version of Windows in your PC then also the following steps will help you out to successfully remove Windows 7 from your PC. The steps are very clear and precise.

The steps for removing Windows 7 Genuine from your PC are as follows:
  • Step 1: The first step is to pressing the Windows Key present on the left hand side of the keyboard. You can also simply click on the start button. Either way the start menu will appear once you do one of the above mentioned two things.
  • Step 2: Once the start option shows up go to the run option. Click on the run option. When you click on the run option, the run window will appear.
  • Step 3: Once the run window appears after clicking on the run option, you have to type “cmd” in it.CMD is the command to open the command prompt window. After typing cmd in the run window press enter and the command prompt window will open.

TIME Magazine Twitter account hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

TIME magazine Twitter account hacked by Syrian Electronic Army Just now, The hacktivist group Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) briefly took over the Twitter account of the TIME Magazine.
The Hacker group tweeted from the TIME's official account, "Syrian Electronic Army Was Here via @Official_SEA16..Next time write a better word about the Syrian president #SEA" with their logo, as shown above.

TIME Magazine is currently hosting polls for Who Should Be TIME’s Person of the Year? and on their website the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is described as, "Syria’s ruler presided over a bloody year, shrugging off international concerns over the use of chemical weapons as the death toll of his country’s civil war eclipsed 100,000."

Warning: "A new message from Skype Voicemail Service" spam leads to Zeus Malware

Skype spam leads to Zeus Malware
Skype has been targeted by cyber criminals again this week. Users are receiving a new Spam Email with subject “You received a new message from the Skype voice mail service.”, that actually leads to Zeus Malware.
Zeus is a Trojan horse that attempts to steal confidential information from the compromised computer. It specifically targets system information, online credentials, and banking details, but can be customized through the toolkit to gather any sort of information.

CVE-2013-5065: Microsoft Windows XP and Server 2003 Privilege escalation Zero-Day exploit discovered

Researchers at FireEye have discovered a new privilege escalation vulnerability in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

CVE-2013-5065, Local privilege escalation vulnerability is used in-the-wild in conjunction with an Adobe Reader exploit (CVE-2013-3346) that appears to target a patched vulnerability.
Microsoft has issued an advisory and warned that discovered bug in Windows XP's NDPROXY.SYS driver could allow hackers to run code in the system's kernel from a standard user account.

The exploit could allow a standard user account to execute code in the kernel, which may allow an attacker to gain privileges that would enable him to do various activities, including deleting or viewing data, installing programs, or creating accounts with administrative privileges.

Thousands of websites based on Ruby on Rails vulnerable to Cookie Handling flaw

Thousands of websites based on Ruby on Rails vulnerable to Cookie Handling flaw
Ruby on Rails contains a flaw in its design that may allow attackers to more easily access applications. Websites that rely on Ruby on Rails’s default cookie storage mechanism CookieStore are at risk.

The vulnerability was actually reported two months ago, but still thousands of website are running a vulnerable version of Ruby on Rails that allows a malicious attacker to gain unauthorized access again and again without password, if someone manages to steal users' cookies via via cross site scripting or session sidejacking or with physical access. 
More than 10,000 websites are vulnerable to Ruby on Rails's cookie storage mechanism flaw, but this vulnerability requires your user's session cookies to be compromised in the first place.

Security researcher G.S. McNamara provided the details of the vulnerability in a blog post , he analyzed nearly 90,000 sites running specialized scripts and discovered 1,897 sites based on old versions of Ruby on Rails (version 2.0 to version 4.0) that stores users’ cookie data in plain text.

Danish Bitcoin exchange BIPS hacked and 1,295 Bitcoins worth $1 Million Stolen

The breaking news is that, another Bitcoin exchange company gets hacked i.e. BIPS (, one of the largest European Danish Bitcoin payment processors.

On Friday evening, a bunch of cyber criminals just broke into BIPs -Bitcoin payment processor servers and wiped out around 1,295 Bitcoin from people’s wallets, currently worth $1 Million. More than 22,000 consumer wallets have been compromised and BIPS will be contacting the affected users.
Initially on 15th November, Hackers launched Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on BIPS, originate from Russia and neighboring countries and then hackers attacked again on 17th November. This time somehow they got access to several online Bitcoin wallets, which allowed them to steal the 1,295 BTC.

The Silk Road Founder financially linked to Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto

The Silk Road Founder financially linked to Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto
Two most important moments in the history of Bitcoin are : Its creation by Satoshi Nakamoto, and the burst of The Silk Road's Founder Ross William Ulbricht. The silk Road’s black market was a Bitcoin economy.

According to a report published by two Israeli computer scientists, Ross William Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts, may be financially linked to Satoshi Nakamoto.
Even if the Bitcoin buyers and sellers remained anonymous, but the transactions themselves are public, So the scientists were able to trace the interactions.

The Scientists, Ron and Shamir were exploring the connection between the operator of Silk Road who was recently arrested by the FBI for running the Internet blackmarket Silk Road and the entity that invented the bitcoin.

The bitcoin network was established in 2008 and it has been popularly believed that the first accounts in the early days of the bitcoin were of Satoshi Nakamoto, accumulated some 77,600 BTC as a result of 'mining' Bitcoins. The person who can generate 77,600 from mining in the first week of Bitcoin birth should be definitely its creator.