Thursday 26 September 2013

How to Play Temple Run on PC

How to Play Temple Run on PC
Temple Run is still a famous game among Android or Apple device users. You will often hear this game from mobile phone and tablet owners, enough to make other people curious about what this app is. They wish to try the game and understand the reason why people love this app so much.


Dragon is the world’s best-selling speech recognition software. It turns your talk into text and can make virtually any computer task easier and faster. From capturing ideas and creating documents, to email and searching the web, to using simple voice commands to control many of the popular programs you use every day at home, work – and beyond.

DOWNLOAD LINK : download naunce natural speaking dragon v12



  • Class leading speech recognition accuracy
  • Dictation wirelessly via Android & iOS apps
  • Posts to social media, browses websites
  • Adapts to writing & formatting style


  • Accuracy still drops in noiser environments
  • Evolutionary, not revolutionary upgrade
Key Features: Over 99 per cent potential accuracy; Faster Performance engine; Dictate wirelessly using an iPad or iPhone; Post straight to Facebook & Twitter; Full Gmail & compatibility
Manufacturer: Nuance

Sunday 22 September 2013


In Todays Days to Day Life, EBooks Play an Important Role In Students Life and other Internet Users who Wants to learn.There are many Sites That provides Ebooks, But Finding Your Desired EBook For Free is Still an Issue. So Today I will Share Best 5 Websites From Where you Can Download eBooks For Free and Easily.
Recently i Was Searching for Websites That Can Provide me an Ebook of my Choice. As Obvious i Got Hundreds of Results but To be Frank i Found it Difficult To Download That book, Because Of Unnecessory Ads. So Finally i got The Following 5 Websites Which has User Friendly Interface and You will be able to Download Books of your Choice Easily. is a Site Which I Personally Prefer. You will Find Usefull EBooks Specially For Students. As a Student i just loved this site not just because it has got EBooks which i needed but also Because of user friendly interface, Easy and Fast way to download without any Clutters.
There are business books, travel guides and educational text books; all available with no Registration Required


Hello, Today i Will Share a Trick by Which you can Use your Mobile Internet on your PC by just connecting both with USB.Android Phones have become more Common and Famous Now a days, With Android Comes a Feature Called ” Tethering ” .

Tethering Allows us to use internet from your Android phone to your PC, So If you have a Pc but dont have internet Connection, or Your Internet Connection is Disabled due to Any reason and have Internet Access on Your Android Phone, Then You can Tether Your android phone with your PC and start Using Internet.

U.S. Government asked Linus Torvalds to insert Backdoor Into Linux

At the Linuxcon conference in New Orleans today, Linus Torvalds and the other top Linux developers, talked to the Linux faithful about Linux, Microsoft, and other issues.
During a question-and-answer ‪session ‬at ‪the LinuxCon, Linux Torvalds admitted to questions from the audience that the U.S. Government approached him to put a backdoor into his open-source operating system. Torvalds responded "no" while shaking his head "yes," as the audience broke into spontaneous laughter.

Microsoft issues Emergency Fix for Internet Explorer zero-day exploit

All supported versions of Internet Explorer are vulnerable to a zero-day Exploit that is currently being exploited in targeted attacks against IE 8 and IE 9, dubbed "CVE-2013-3893 MSHTML Shim Workaround".

Microsoft confirmed that the flaw was unknown before the attacks and that it is already working on an official patch, meantime Microsoft released an emergency software fix for Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser.

Advisory noted that Microsoft is investigating public reports of a remote code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer.

This issue could allow remote code execution if an affected system browses to a website containing malicious content directed towards the specific browser type. Victims could be infected despite the adoption of all necessary countermeasures due the nature of the flaw previously unknown.

The flaw that has been recently targeted by hackers during attacks is considerable serious and complicated to fix. State-sponsored hacking groups are often willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for zero-day vulnerabilities in widely used software such as Internet Explorer.

Android WebView vulnerability allows hacker to install malicious apps

WebView is an essential component in Android and iOS. It enables applications to display content from online resources and simplifies task of performing a network request, parsing the data and rendering it.

Today AVG Security expert reported a critical vulnerability in Android's WebView feature that allows an attacker to install malicious software, send SMSs and performing more tasks.
WebView uses a number of APIs which can interact with the web contents inside WebView. So this allows the user to view a web application as a part of an ordinary Android application.

Users can be infected when they click on a URL link using a vulnerable application that allows opening a Java enabled browser or web page. The commands in the JavaScript code can enable attackers to install malicious software, send SMSs, steal personal information and more.

Belgium’s largest Telcom 'Belgacom' hacked; NSA could be behind the Attack

Belgacom, the largest telecommunications company in Belgium today announced that their IT Systems were hacked and infected with an unknown Malware.

In order to eliminate that virus effectively, they clean up the entire system. The company also highlights that they have no indication of any impact on their telecommunication services, customer and employee data.
According to the complexity of the malware, it appears to be the work of a state-sponsored entity. Belgacom which handles some of the undersea cables that carry voice and data traffic around the world, so the NSA or Britain’s GCHQ could be behind the intrusion. That traffic would be a likely target for an attacker.

Anonymous Hacker 'Kahuna' sentenced to 3 years in prison for hacking Police websites

An Anonymous Hacker and Online hacktivist who was  responsible for hacking into the City of Springfield’s website and others Police websites has been sentenced to 3 years in federal prison.

John Anthony Borell III, a 22-year-old man from Ohio with the online handle @ItsKahuna started advertising his exploits using the Twitter and encouraged other hackers to crack websites as part of campaigns run by an Anonymous offshoot called CabinCr3w.


Hi Friends, Now a days Major problem we face is Laptop Over heating. Laptop users Are always worried of Laptop Overheating, Laptops require A great care from our side so that it keep on running for years and years.
Almost 90% laptops users face the problem of overheating. This overheating can cause the laptop to misbehave thereby causing internal machine failure.
Today we will see some tips to avoid overheating and keep your laptop as cool as possible.

1. Power Settings : Normally while working on laptops we keep it for charging and set the mode as “High performance”. Due to this setting it consumes more power which cause your laptop to overheat.
Remedy to this is to set you laptop in the balanced or Power saver mode.what it will do is it will consume only that amount of power that is required.

2. Conpressed Air : while Working on laptops in dusty conditions may lead to Dust gets deposited on the Cooling vents, Hence Choking them.This will cause the fan to get over worked and the Fan will work at high Temperatures.
In Order to Avoid This problem, Buy a can of Compressed air, and Spray it on the vents of your laptop.
This will remove all the dust and will keep your laptop much cool.

3. Surface: Normally we place our laptops on pillows or blankets,which is very comfortable to us while working.But many might not know that such surfaces Chokes the vents of you laptop and it cause it to overheat.
The Soft surface will not allow the heat to Escape and will be reflected back to internal machinery.
I recommend the best surface on which you should keep your laptops are the flat ones. Such as tables.
This will allow proper Flow of air and heat to Escape.


Hey Guys Today I will Give you all Laptop Users a Small Tip,
Laptop users are generally Worried about Battery and Laptop Overheating. There is a Command for your Operating System Which helps you to Improve Performance and Power Efficiency

If you have a laptop with Windows 7 installed, you can use the ‘powercfg’ command, which is unique to your operating system.

What This Command Do ?

This command will generate useful information about your laptop’s energy comsumption. If you use it correctly, you can extend your battery life and performance by great amounts.

How to Use This Command ?

Just follow below simple steps

Step 1
:To start, open the Start Menu and type “cmd” in the Start Search.
Step 2: When the “cmd” icon appears, right click it and select “Run as administrator”.

Step 3:Then the command line opens, run the command “powercfg -energy” without quotes.
Step 4: Now Press “Enter” .