Saturday 14 September 2013

play mario and many old games in your PC

Yes Your Gaming Childhood.
We All Played Mario, Contra, Adventure Island, Excite Bike and Many More Awesome Games In Our Childhood. But As we Grow Up, Our Relations With These Awesome Games Started To Getting Loose.

As Video Games Are Now named As old Schools and Now Comes Online Games and PC Games.But Deep Inside You know That Mario is your Favourite Game And You Wish To Play again.

Vodafone Germany Hacked; Attackers accesses banking data of two million customers

Vodafone Germany has been hacked and Personal details of more than two million customers have been compromised, some including banking details.

Stole data includes names, addresses, birth dates, and bank account information, but the hacker had no access to credit-card information, passwords, PIN numbers or mobile-phone numbers.
According to a blog post on the Vodafone website, The company has already involved law enforcement agencies in the investigation, and it is confirmed that a suspect has been identified and searches conducted in the case, but didn’t say whether the suspect was an employee or an outsider.

Russian Hacker put up an Android Firefox Zero-Day Exploit for Sale

A Russian Exploit writer and underground Hacker who goes by the handle "fil9" put up an Android Firefox Zero-Day Exploit for Sale in an open Exploit Market.

Bitcoins - Secured by NSA designed Encryption or Backdoored ?

It’s been nearly three months since Edward Snowden started telling the world about the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance of global communications.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Finding Ip Address Of A Website Using Command Prompt Or CMD

In this tutorial i will teach you to find Ip Address of any website using Command Prompt or in short CMD. Using IP Address you can find location of the website server and do more stuff. I will demostrate this tutorial with Google but you can use this method to find IP Address of any website like twitter, facebook etc. So lets get started.

How To Hack Windows 7 Password Using Ophcrack ?

hacking windows 7 password

In this tutorial i will teach you to hack Windows 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So let get started.

Kaspersky revealed "Kimsuky" Cyber Espionage campaign targeting South Korea

Russian Security Firm Kaspersky Lab has revealed that it has been following a sustained attack on South Korea by hackers seemingly based in North Korea., 

DefCamp 2013 - International Hacking and Information Security Conference in Romania

The Fourth Edition of an International Information Security Conference hosted in Romania , The DefCamp 2013 is now open for Call for Papers.

Over 300 Security experts, Researchers, and Enthusiasts from Romania and neighboring countries are expected to take part in the event in Bucharest, at the Crystal Palace Ballroom on November 29-30, 2013.

The Crystal Palace Ballroom is hosting one of the most mesmerizing event of Hacking & Information security in Romania, Defcamp. 

NSA: Steve Jobs is the real Big Brother and iPhone buyers are zombies

As reported that, your Smartphone is a goldmine for the US National Security Agency (NSA), they have the full access to your Data available on your Smartphones including Android, iPhone and Blackberry.

But among other Smartphones, iPhone apparently is the most popular with the National Security Agency. Another NSA presentation leaked by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden and published by German paper Der Spiegel, describing Steve Jobs as the real Big Brother and iPhone buyers as the "zombies".

NASA website Hacked; Protest by Hackers against US action on Syria and Brazil Spying

Earlier reports based on Snowden's documents revealed the existence of the NSA's PRISM program, and indicate that the National Security Agency spied on Brazilians.
On other End, President Obama said that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its citizens and The United States may have to take military action against Syria.

Web Application Security : PHP SuperGlobal Variables are vulnerable to Hackers

Hackers are focusing on vulnerabilities in the PHP web application development platform threatening 80% websites in the world, including many big website i.e. Facebook and Wikipedia. PHP has several predefined variables that are called SuperGlobals i.e. POST, GET, COOKIES, FILES etc.